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getWordPressProps is a function that should be returned within Next.js’ getStaticProps or getServerSideProps to properly setup the Faust Template Hierarchy system.


To properly configure getWordPressProps, create pages/[...wordpressNode].js with the following content:

In pages/[...wordpressNode].js
import { getWordPressProps, WordPressTemplate } from "@faustwp/core";
export default function Page(props) {
	return <WordPressTemplate {...props} />;
export function getStaticProps(ctx) {
	return getWordPressProps({ ctx });
export async function getStaticPaths() {
	return {
		paths: [],
		fallback: "blocking",
This above example uses getStaticProps, but you can also use getServerSideProps as they are both supported.


Below is the getWordPressProps config object defined as a TypeScript type:

type GetWordPressPropsConfig<Props = Record<string, unknown>> = {
	 * The Next.js getServerSideProps or getStaticProps context. This is required.
	ctx: GetServerSidePropsContext | GetStaticPropsContext;
	 * Any props you would like returned to the Faust templates
	props?: Props;
	 * The Next.js revalidate value. By default, Faust sets a smart default of 900 seconds (15 minutes)
	revalidate?: number | boolean;
	 * Provide extra parameters for the Page.variables function call.
	extra?: Props;

Passing Extra Arguments

Within the data fetching functions (getNextStaticProps, getServerSideProps, getWordPressProps), you can pass an object containing your desired extra data to the extra property of the options argument:

export function getStaticProps(ctx) {
	return getWordPressProps({ ctx, extra: { hello: "world" } });

Accessing Extra Arguments

Inside your component’s variables() function, you can access the passed extra arguments through the third parameter named extra. This will be an object containing the key-value pairs you provided:

Component.variables = ({ databaseId }, ctx, extra) => {
  console.log(extra); // {hello: 'world'}
  // Use the data from extra object