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Sprint 30 Update

Teresa Gobble · Mar 15, 2023

Hi folks, Terri here! The last two weeks have been all about improvements to the React-Gutenberg Bridge experience and to the Faust Toolbar. Among other tasks to help polish these tools up, this sprint saw some great documentation additions, such as three different tutorials on how to create a block based off of core blocks, third party plugins, or custom blocks. The team also completed preparation for the DE{CODE} conference coming up next week- we hope to see you there!

Gutenberg Block Tutorials

In order to help users build their understanding of the way that the @faustwp/blockspackage and the wp-graphql-content-blocks plugin work, the team developed and released tutorials that detail how to implement blocks in this framework. Take a look at the core blocks document here to get started, and as always, feel free to reach out to our support channels if you get stuck or have any questions.


DE{CODE} is a free worldwide event, featuring the same great content across three major regions, so you won’t miss a thing—no matter where you are. The agenda has a fantastic array of speakers and topics, which run the gamut of WordPress development. Blake and I will be presenting “Introducing the React-Gutenberg Bridge: Headless block support for an even better editing experience,” which will include a demo and technical discussion. If you haven’t yet, you can sign up for the DE{CODE} conference here. We hope to see you there!

What's next

This next sprint we're looking ahead to what we want to see happen for the next quarter. Some of the goals the team is outlining include restructuring and improvements to Faust’s documentation to help streamline content, as well as reconfiguring the structure of the site itself to make navigation more intuitive and enjoyable. 

We’ll be adding some polish to the wp-graphql-content-blocks plugin during this sprint too, including removing the plugin’s dependency on Composer’s autoloader, so the user can download the WordPress plugin from GitHub and install directly into WordPress without any developer actions. Control over the toolbar’s visibility based on the WordPress user’s preference will also be a focus, as well as supporting visibility into Faust package's bundle sizes when various features are activated.

I'm so excited to see these tools for our Faust community steadily bringing more of the power of WordPress to the front-end, and am looking forward to talking to folks during DE{CODE} next week! I hope you are too!