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How to Migrate from Legacy Faust

Learn how to migrate from the legacy version of Faust to the current version.


  • Using any versions of @faustjs/core, @faustjs/next or @faustjs/react.

Currently migration from previous versions of Faust that use GQty is a manual process. However, there are some conventional techniques and best practices for React Development that will definitely help you with this process.

To migrate from the legacy version to the current version, follow the guide that most closely represents your business model. Each guide recommends an integration path along with example code.

Reusing Presentational Components

The Components folder typically contains components that embody a presentational meaning.

By presentational we mean they do not depend on GQty or any hooks or side-effects and they just take props and render the data. Here is an example of a presentational component taken from this blueprint:

// PostInfo.js
export default function PostInfo({ className, author, date }) {
  if (!date && !author) {
    return null;

  return (
    <div className={className}>
      {date && (
        <time dateTime={date}>
          <FormatDate date={date} />
      {date && author && <>&nbsp;</>}
      {author && <span>By {author}</span>}
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

There is no reference to GQty or Apollo and this component can be safely re-used across different applications.

On the other hand the following component is more difficult to migrate as it depends on the GQty client:


// NavigationMenu.js
export default function NavigationMenu({ className, menuLocation, children }) {
  const { useQuery } = client;
  const { nodes: menuItems } = useQuery().menuItems({
    where: {
      location: menuLocation,
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

You will have to either replace the useQuery() from GQty with the useQuery() of Apollo or perform the query on a higher level and pass on the menu items as props:


// NavigationMenu.js
export default function NavigationMenu({ menuItems, className, children }) {
  if (!menuItems) {
    return null;

  return (
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

If you developed your components using this approach, you will be able to just transfer them without modifications to the new framework.

Writing GraphQL Queries

The biggest hurdle when migrating from GQty to Apollo is that now you will need to write queries manually. You just need to identify the data that your pages and components need and try to request the appropriate fields.

For instance take a look at the PostInfo component we posted before. It is supposed to display the Post Information using the author and date fields.

With GQty you didn’t have to write any queries, but you relied on query introspection based on usage. So you would have to do something like this:


// PostInfo.js
   author={post?.author?.node?.name} // will request author name
   date={post?.date} // will request post date
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Now you need to explicitly describe what fields you want to fetch. You can request those fields once in the post or page fragment:


// PostInfo.js
fragment PostsItemFragment on Post {
    author {
        node {
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This fragment is reusable and can be applied to any page query when requesting the Post data fields:

// PostInfo.js
query GetPostsPage(
    $first: Int!
    $after: String
  ) {
    posts(first: $first, after: $after) {
      edges {
        node {
Code language: PHP (php)

By following this approach, writing queries for your pages becomes more explicit, as you will be able to find and change them easily when needed.

Using the WP Template System

If you chose to use the new Faust WP Template Hierarchy, you will need to create individual components for each Template. Those components will be rendered according to the hierarchy rules, when you visit a page on the Headless website. More specifically you define:

  • front-page.js: For rendering your site’s front page.
  • single.js: For rendering a single post.
  • page.js: For rendering a static page (page post-type).
  • category.js: Representing category archive index pages.

The full list of templates are available at WordPress Docs. Bear in mind that not all types of templates are supported within Faust. You can check the dev console when you visit a page that gives you a hint of the available templates that this route will potentially match:

List of possible templates matched when visiting the front page.

You can see an example of the hierarchy in the blueprint project where we provided implementations for the main templates.

Migration From GQty to Apollo

Given the above information, we can now list changes needed to migrate from GQty to Apollo.

Note: Take a look at the Blueprint Portfolio for an example of a migrated project in Faust.

Capture and Migrate Presentational Components

Create a list of components that can be reused in the new version of Faust and move them into the new projects folder.

 Import Faust Dependencies

Start by installing the Faust.js core packages and dependencies:

$ npm i @faustwp/cli @faustwp/core graphql @apollo/client

Change the package.json scripts to use the new Faust cli:

// package.json
scripts": {
    "dev": "faust dev",
    "build": "faust build",
    "generate": "faust generatePossibleTypes",
    "start": "faust start",
    "lint": "faust lint"
}Code language: PHP (php)

Use New Faust Configuration

Replace the withFaust configuration function with the new one for both next.config and faust.config files.

For the next.config.js:

// next.config.js
// const { withFaust } = require('@faustjs/next');
const { withFaust, getWpHostname } = require('@faustwp/core');
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

And for the faust.config.js:

experimentalPlugins is being deprecated and replaced with plugins in the faust.config.js file. Please update your configuration accordingly.

// faust.config.js
import { setConfig } from '@faustwp/core';
import templates from './wp-templates';
import possibleTypes from './possibleTypes.json';

 * @type {import('@faustwp/core').FaustConfig}
export default setConfig({
  plugins: [],
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Use new Faust Imports and Providers

Replace old Faust.js references with the new ones for both the API route and the _app.js file.

For the API route:

// pages/api/faust/[[...route]].js
// import { apiRouter } from '@faustjs/core/api';
import { apiRouter } from '@faustwp/core';
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

For the _app.js:

// _app.js
import '../faust.config';
import React from 'react';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { FaustProvider } from '@faustwp/core';
import '../styles/main.scss';

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  const router = useRouter();

  return (
      <FaustProvider pageProps={pageProps}>
        <Component {...pageProps} key={router.asPath} />
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

 Create the new wp-templates folder and include an index.js page

Note: The blueprint example project showcases how the components are structured and is a great way to understand what changes to make during this step.

You should be using the Apollo Client from now on to prepare queries and mutations.

If you are not using the wp-templates system, you can take a look a the search.js component which uses the Next.js getNextStaticProps page helpers.

Add the WordPressTemplate and getWordPressProps when using Template Hierarchy

For pages/index.js and pages/[...wordpressNode].js:

// pages/index.js and pages/[...wordpressNode].js
import { getWordPressProps, WordPressTemplate } from '@faustwp/core';

export default function Page(props) {
  return <WordPressTemplate {...props} />;

export function getStaticProps(ctx) {
  return getWordPressProps({ ctx });
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

For pages/preview.js:

// pages/preview.js
import { getWordPressProps, WordPressTemplate } from '@faustwp/core';

export default function Page(props) {
  return <WordPressTemplate {...props} />;
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

At this point you should be able to run the dev server and inspect if something is missing or not working properly. Fix them, rinse and repeat.

Clean up any references of GQty

Once everything is working with the new Faust, you should be able to remove any unused references to the old framework.

Those include:

  • The gqty.config.js.
  • The client folder.
  • The @faustjs/core@faustjs/next and gqty dependencies.
  • Any skeleton renders as a result of GQty side effects.

Working with Apollo

While migrating your app from GQty to Apollo, you will find that the Apollo Ecosystem has plenty of resources and tools to help you work with GraphQL. We list some of the available tools here that will definitely help you:

  • Apollo Client DevTools: DevTools is a debugger toolbar for Chrome that allows you to inspect and perform queries against the GraphQL Endpoint within the browser. This tool is invaluable when trying to migrate existing GQty hooks into Apollo. Link to Download
  • Apollo Fragments Guide: Using the new Faust, you will need to write queries manually. Using GraphQL fragments is a recommended way to share pieces of logic between multiple queries and mutations. Read this guide for best practices and great techniques to maximize using fragments.